
Friday, July 15, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 14 Text 15

rajasi pralayam gatva
karma-sangisu jayate
tatha pralinas tamasi
mudha-yonisu jayate

rajasi--in passion; pralayam--dissolution; gatva--attaining; karma-sangisu--in the association of those engaged in fruitive activities; jayate--takes birth; tatha--similarly; pralinah--being dissolved; tamasi--in ignorance; mudha-yonisu--in animal species; jayate--takes birth.


When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among those engaged in fruitive activities; and when one dies in the mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the animal kingdom.


Some people have the impression that when the soul reaches the platform of human life it never goes down again. This is incorrect. According to this verse, if one develops the mode of ignorance, after his death he is degraded to an animal form of life. From there one has to again elevate himself, by an evolutionary process, to come again to the human form of life. Therefore, those who are actually serious about human life should take to the mode of goodness and in good association transcend the modes and become situated in Krsna consciousness. This is the aim of human life. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the human being will again attain to the human status.

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