
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 17 Text 7

aharas tv api sarvasya
tri-vidho bhavati priyah
yajnas tapas tatha danam
tesam bhedam imam srnu

aharah--eating; tu--certainly; api--also; sarvasya--of everyone; tri-vidhah--of three kinds; bhavati--there is; priyah--dear; yajnah--sacrifice; tapah--austerity; tatha--also; danam--charity; tesam--of them; bhedam--the differences; imam--this; srnu--hear.


Even the food each person prefers is of three kinds, according to the three modes of material nature. The same is true of sacrifices, austerities and charity. Now hear of the distinctions between them.


To rise above the modes of material natural I must first be on the platform of goodness. What follows in the Gita is a description of those things I need to concentrate on to be in this mode along with descriptions of what I need to avoid.

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