
Saturday, September 3, 2011


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.29.25

arcādāv arcayet tāvad
īśvaraḿ māḿ sva-karma-kṛt
yāvan na veda sva-hṛdi
sarva-bhūteṣv avasthitam

arcā-ādau — beginning with worship of the Deity; arcayet — one should worship; tāvat — so long; īśvaram — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mām — Me; sva — his own; karma — prescribed duties; kṛt — performing; yāvat — as long as; na — not; veda — he realizes; sva-hṛdi — in his own heart; sarva-bhūteṣu — in all living entities; avasthitam — situated.


Performing his prescribed duties, one should worship the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead until one realizes My presence in his own heart and in the hearts of other living entities as well.


Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport; In other words, one should not be satisfied simply by discharging his duties properly; he must realize his relationship and the relationship of all other living entities with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

I am so glad to have a place to go to see the deities. All glories to the devotees who open temples and preaching centers!

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