
Monday, October 3, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 17 Text 11

aphalakanksibhir yajno
vidhi-disto ya ijyate
yastavyam eveti manah
samadhaya sa sattvikah

aphala-akanksibhih--by those devoid of desire for result; yajnah--sacrifice; vidhi-distah--according to the direction of scripture; yah--which; ijyate--is performed; yastavyam--must be performed; eva--certainly; iti--thus; manah--mind; samadhaya--fixing; sah--it; sattvikah--in the mode of goodness.


Of sacrifices, the sacrifice performed according to the directions of scripture, as a matter of duty, by those who desire no reward, is of the nature of goodness.


Scarifices or church attendence is best when done out of love for God. As Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport; The general tendency is to offer sacrifice with some purpose in mind, but here it is stated that sacrifice should be performed without any such desire. It should be done as a matter of duty.

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