
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 17 Text 23

om tat sad iti nirdeso
brahmanas tri-vidhah smrtah
brahmanas tena vedas ca
yajnas ca vihitah pura

om--indication of the Supreme; tat--that; sat--eternal; iti--thus; nirdesah--indication; brahmanah--of the Supreme; tri-vidhah--threefold; smrtah--is considered; brahmanah--the brahmanas; tena--with that; vedah--the Vedic literature; ca--also; yajnah--sacrifice; ca--also; vihitah--used; pura--formerly.


From the beginning of creation, the three words om tat sat were used to indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth. These three symbolic representations were used by brahmanas while chanting the hymns of the Vedas and during sacrifices for the satisfaction of the Supreme.


Here is an excerpt from Srila Prabhupada's purport; The three words om tat sat are uttered in conjunction with the holy name of the Supreme Lord, e.g., om tad visnoh. Whenever a Vedic hymn or the holy name of the Supreme Lord is uttered, om is added. This is the indication of Vedic literature. These three words are taken from Vedic hymns. Om ity etad brahmano nedistham nama (Rg Veda) indicates the first goal. Then tat tvam asi (Chandogya Upanisad 6.8.7) indicates the second goal. And sad eva saumya (Chandogya Upanisad 6.2.1) indicates the third goal. Combined they become om tat sat.

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