
Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 17 Text 26-27

sad-bhave sadhu-bhave ca
sad ity etat prayujyate
prasaste karmani tatha
sac-chabdah partha yujyate

yajne tapasi dane ca
sthitih sad iti cocyate
karma caiva tad-arthiyam
sad ity evabhidhiyate

sat-bhave--in the sense of the nature of the Supreme; sadhu-bhave--in the sense of the nature of the devotee; ca--also; sat--the word sat; iti--thus; etat--this; prayujyate--is used; prasaste--in bona fide; karmani--activities; tatha--also; sat-sabdah--the sound sat; partha--O son of Prtha; yujyate--is used; yajne--in sacrifice; tapasi--in penance; dane--in charity; ca--also; sthitih--the situation; sat--the Supreme; iti--thus; ca--and; ucyate--is pronounced; karma--work; ca--also; eva--certainly; tat--for that; arthiyam--meant; sat--the Supreme; iti--thus; eva--certainly; abhidhiyate--is indicated.


The Absolute Truth is the objective of devotional sacrifice, and it is indicated by the word sat. The performer of such sacrifice is also called sat, as are all works of sacrifice, penance and charity which, true to the absolute nature, are performed to please the Supreme Person, O son of Prtha.

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