
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 18 Text 64

sarva-guhyatamam bhuyah
srnu me paramam vacah
isto 'si medrdham iti
tato vaksyami te hitam

sarva-guhya-tamam--the most confidential of all; bhuyah--again; srnu--just hear; me--from Me; paramam--the supreme; vacah--instruction; istah asi--you are dear; me--to Me; drdham--very; iti--thus; tatah--therefore; vaksyami--I am speaking; te--for your; hitam--benefit.


Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you My supreme instruction, the most confidential knowledge of all. Hear this from Me, for it is for your benefit.


Srila Prabhupada says it all when he writes; The Lord has given Arjuna knowledge that is confidential (knowledge of Brahman) and still more confidential (knowledge of the Supersoul within everyone's heart), and now He is giving the most confidential part of knowledge: just surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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