
Saturday, March 24, 2012


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.7.6

dharmasya daksa-duhitary ajanista mūrtyām
nārāyano nara iti sva-tapah-prabhāvah
drstvātmano bhagavato niyamāvalopam
devyas tv anańga-prtanā ghatitum na sekuh

dharmasya — of Dharma (the controller of religious principles); daksa — Daksa, one of the Prajāpatis; duhitari — unto the daughter; ajanista — took birth; mūrtyām — of the name Mūrti; nārāyanah — Nārāyana; narah — Nara; iti — thus; sva-tapah — personal penances; prabhāvah — strength; drstvā — by seeing; ātmanah — of His own; bhagavatah — of the Personality of Godhead; niyama-avalopam — breaking the vow; devyah — celestial beauties; tu — but; anańga-prtanāh — companion of Cupid; ghatitum — to happen; na — never; śekuh — made possible.


To exhibit His personal way of austerity and penance, He appeared in twin forms as Nārāyana and Nara in the womb of Mūrti, the wife of Dharma and the daughter of Daksa. Celestial beauties, the companions of Cupid, went to try to break His vows, but they were unsuccessful, for they saw that many beauties like them were emanating from Him, the Personality of Godhead.


The above panting, "Nara and Narayana Appear Before Markandeya Rshi", is by Ramprasad Dasa.

... the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally appeared before the sage in the forms of Nara and Narayana. One of Them was of a whitish complexion, the other blackish, and They both had four arms. (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.8.32-34)

In his purport (SB 2.7.6) Srila Prabhupada writes; A program of so-called family planning is needed. The householder who associates with woman under scriptural restrictions, after a thorough training of brahmacarya, cannot be a householder like cats and dogs. Such a householder, after fifty years of age, would retire from the association of woman as a vānaprastha to be trained to live alone without the association of woman. When the practice is complete, the same retired householder becomes a sannyāsī, strictly separate from woman, even from his married wife.

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