
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Queen visits the Krishna Avanti School

The Queen and Prince Philip enjoyed an eclectic mix of music and dance during their Diamond Jubilee tour of Krishna Avanti School on Thursday 29th March.

Inside the main hall which contains the deities of Krishna Balaram, Krishna Avanti School children sang Sri Krishna Caitanya, a Vaishnava song written by Narottam Das Thakur, followed by the Hare Krishna mantra. The Queen particularly appreciated the devotional music. Then the Queen unveiled a beautiful tapestry which depicted Caitanya Mahaprabhu dancing in Jarikhanda forest with the animals, a gift from the School to Buckingham Palace.

The children also recited a verse from the Siksastaka which included a translation, explaining that “in order to have peace and prosperity in society we need to imbibe three qualities: humility, tolerance and respect for all others”. Srutidharma das explained that the Krishna Avanti School is based on these values, and the Queen responded “Isn’t that wonderful!”

(Thanks to for this article)

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