
Saturday, April 14, 2012


Nārada Bhakti Sūtra 19

nāradas tu tad-arpitākhilācāratā tad-vismarane parama-vyākulateti

nāradah — Nārada; tu — but; tat — to Him; arpita — offered; akhila — all; ācāratā — having one's activities; tat — Him; vismarane — in forgetting; parama — supreme; vyākulatā — distress; iti — so.


Nārada, however, says that bhakti consists of offering one's every act to the Supreme Lord and feeling extreme distress in forgetting Him.

PURPORT (first paragraph)

Nārada previously gave three definitions of bhakti, according to three sages: (1) fondness for worshiping the Lord in various ways, (2) fondness for hearing narrations by or about the Lord, and (3) removing all obstacles to enjoying pleasure in the Self. Now Nārada gives his own opinion, which does not contradict these views but is their culmination.

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