
Saturday, April 21, 2012


Śrī Caitanya Caritāmrta Ādi 14.15-16

pañca-dīrghah pañca-sūksmah
sapta-raktah sad-unnatah
dvātrimśal-laksano mahān

nārāyanera cihna-yukta śrī-hasta carana
ei śiśu sarva loke karibe tārana

pañca-dīrghah — five large; pañca-sūksmah — five fine; sapta-raktah — seven reddish; sat-unnatah — six raised; tri-hrasva — three small; prthu —three broad; gambhīrah — three grave; dvā-triḿśat — in this way thirty-two; laksanah — symptoms; mahān — of a great personality.

nārāyanera — of Lord Nārāyana; cihna-yukta — with positive marks; śrī-hasta carana — the palm and the sole; ei —this; śiśu —baby; sarva loke —all the three worlds; karibe —will; tārana —deliver.


"'There are thirty-two bodily symptoms of a great personality: five of his bodily parts are large, five fine, seven reddish, six raised, three small, three broad and three grave.

This baby has all the symptoms of Lord Nārāyana on His palms and soles. He will be able to deliver all the three worlds."'

PURPORT (SB 14.15)

The five large parts are the nose, arms, chin, eyes and knees. The five fine parts are the skin, fingertips, teeth, hair on the body and hair on the head. The seven reddish parts are the eyes, soles, palms, palate, nails and upper and lower lips. The six raised parts are the chest, shoulders, nails, nose, waist and mouth. The three small parts are the neck, thighs and male organ. The three broad parts are the waist, forehead and chest. The three grave parts are the navel, voice and existence. Altogether these are the thirty-two symptoms of a great personality. This is a quotation from the Sāmudrika.

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