
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sanatorium by SDG

The adult Boy Scout master said, "Does this sanatorium belong to a certain religion?"

The county dormitory chief hesitated and said, "Yes, this was built by the Hare Krsna religion." Some of the Boy Scouts began to titter and sing the Hare Krsna Mantra. The inmates joined in with them and sustained a kirtana for about one minute.

Satsvarupa das Goswami - Sanatorium


This scene in the book reminds me of how my friends and I would act when we would see the Hare Krishnas on the street. The devotees always smiled at us even though we would be teasing them. At the time I thought they were just humoring us kids but now I realize that at eight or nine years old I was chanting Hare Krishna and enjoying!

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