
Monday, June 11, 2012


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 2 Text 42-43

yam imam puspitam vacam
pravadanty avipascitah
veda-vada-ratah partha
nanyad astiti vadinah

kamatmanah svarga-para
bhogaisvarya-gatim prati

yam imam--all these; puspitam--flowery; vacam--words; pravadanti--say; avipascitah--men with a poor fund of knowledge; veda-vada-ratah--supposed followers of the Vedas; partha--O son of Prtha; na--never; anyat--anything else; asti--there is; iti--thus; vadinah--the advocates; kama-atmanah--desirous of sense gratification; svarga-parah--aiming to achieve heavenly planets; janma-karma-phala-pradam--resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions; kriya-visesa--pompous ceremonies; bahulam--various; bhoga--in sense enjoyment; aisvarya--and opulence; gatim--progress; prati--towards.


Men of small knowledge are very much attached to the flowery words of the Vedas, which recommend various fruitive activities for elevation to heavenly planets, resultant good birth, power, and so forth. Being desirous of sense gratification and opulent life, they say that there is nothing more than this.


Srila Prabhupada ends his purport thus; .It is understood that there are gardens called Nandana-kanana in which there is good opportunity for association with angelic, beautiful women and having a profuse supply of soma-rasa wine. Such bodily happiness is certainly sensual; therefore there are those who are purely attached to such material, temporary happiness, as lords of the material world. This sure sounds like a description of an alcoholic to me.

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