Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 11 Text 41-42

sakheti matva prasabham yad uktam
he krsna he yadava he sakheti
ajanata mahimanam tavedam
maya pramadat pranayena vapi

yac cavahasartham asat-krto 'si
vihara-sayyasana-bh ojanesu
eko 'tha vapy acyuta tat-samaksam
tat ksamaye tvam aham aprameyam

sakha--friend; iti--thus; matva--thinking; prasabham--presumptuously; yat--whatever; uktam--said; he krsna--O Krsna; he yadava--O Yadava; he sakhe--O my dear friend; iti--thus; aianata--without knowing; mahimanam--glories; tava--Your; idam--this; maya--by me; pramadat--out of foolishness; pranayena--out of love; va api--either; yat--whatever; ca--also; avahasa-artham--for joking; asat-krtah--dishonored; asi--You have been; vihara--in relaxation; sayya--in lying down; asana--in sitting; bhojanesu--or while eating together; ekah--alone; atha va--or; api--also; acyuta--O infallible one; tat-samaksam--among companions; tat--all those; ksamaye--ask forgiveness; tvam--from You; aham--I; aprameyam--immeasurable.


Thinking of You as my friend, I have rashly addressed You "O Krsna," "O Yadava," "O my friend," not knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses.


Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport: Although Krsna is manifested before Arjuna in His universal form, Arjuna remembers his friendly relationship with Krsna and is therefore asking pardon and requesting Krsna to excuse him for the many informal gestures which arise out of friendship.

I have always thought this one of the most beautiful prayers of the Bhagavad Gita. I find its humility, inspiring; and the implication of their relationship, wonderful.

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