Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spiritual Morality

Chapter Ten, Pages 43-44:

Although the quantity of salt in a drop of seawater is not comparable to the quantity of salt in the ocean, the chemical composition of both the drop and the ocean is the same. Similarly, whatever we have in a minute quantity is present in its fullness in Krsna (janmady asya yatah). For example, we have a propensity to steal, to take things that belong to others. Why? Because Krsna has the same propensity. Unless the propensity to steal is present in the Absolute Truth, how can it be present in us? Krsna is known as "the butter thief." But Krsna's stealing and our stealing are different. Because we are materially contaminated, our stealing is abominable, whereas on the spiritual, absolute platform the same stealing is so nice that it is enjoyable. Mother Yasoda therefore enjoys Krsna's activities of stealing. This is the difference between material and spiritual.

Some Christians I know have a hard time with statements like this. Even though they are reminded by Saint Paul (Heb.12), and many examples in the Old Testament, that the Lord disciplines His children, they still can't except the idea that "evil" is part of the plan that He created for us. They seem to want to limit God to being "good" only, and yet they agree that God, by definition, is unlimited and beyond our conception. This kind of thinking manifests itself in other ways. For example, they will agree that God is bigger than any one religion, but bulk at the idea of Krishna being God.

The so-called morality and goodness of this material world is all bad, but in the spiritual world even so-called immorality is good. This we must understand.

The Jewish prophet Isaiah seems to agree with Srila Prabhupada when he states (Is.64:6), "All of us have been sinful; even our best actions are filthy through and through." (TEV)

For example, to dance with the wives of others at the dead of night is immoral, at least according to the Vedic civilization. Nonetheless, Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, ramya kacid upasana vrajavadhu-vargena ya kalpita: "There is no conception of worship better than that which was conceived by the damsels of Vrndavana." What was their conception? They wanted to love Krsna, at any risk. And this is never immoral.

"The Butter Thief" by Muralidhara Dasa
"The Lord of the Gopis" by Pariksit Dasa

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