Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chapter Ten:

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.27

namo 'kiñcana-vittāya
ātmārāmāya śāntāya
kaivalya-pataye namaḥ


namaḥ — all obeisances unto You; akiñcana-vittāya — unto the property of the materially impoverished; nivṛtta — completely transcendental to the actions of the material modes; guṇa — material modes; vṛttaye — affection; ātma-ārāmāya — one who is self-satisfied; śāntāya — the most gentle; kaivalya-pataye — unto the master of the monists; namaḥ — bowing down.


My obeisances are unto You, who are the property of the materially impoverished. You have nothing to do with the actions and reactions of the material modes of nature. You are self-satisfied, and therefore You are the most gentle and are master of the monists.


Srila Prabhupada begins this chapter with a discussion on the relationship betweeen the Lord, the living entity, and possesion of material nature:

The devotees of the Lord are called akincanas because they have practically no material assets. Such material assets are all products of the three modes of material nature. They foil spiritual energy, and thus the less we possess such products of material nature, the more we have a good chance for spiritual progress.

To be materially impoverished is the first qualification of a devotee. One who does not possess anything in this material world but simply possesses Krsna is called akincana. The word akincana means "one who has lost all material possessions." As long as we have even the slightest tinge of an idea of becoming happy materially in some way or other, we shall have to accept a material body.

Near the end we are given a brief discription of his own experience;

When I was twenty-five years old, my Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, ordered me to go preach. But I thought, "First of all I shall become a rich man, and then I shall use my money to finance the preaching work." I had good opportunities to become a very rich businessman. An astrologer even told me that I should have
become as rich as the wealthiest man in India. There were very good chances. I was the manager of a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, and the business was very successful. But eventually everything collapsed, and in this way I was forced into the position of carrying out the orders of my Guru Maharaja. When all my material assets were taken away, then I approached Krsna, saying, "You are the only shelter." Therefore Krsna is akincana-vitta, the property of the materially impoverished.

If we falsely want to become predominators in this material world, we are in illusion. We must give up this illusion and always try to be predominated by Krsna. Then our life will be successful.

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