Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 14 Text 2

idam jnanam upasritya
mama sadharmyam agatah
sarge 'pi nopajayante
pralaye na vyathanti ca

idam--this; jnanam--knowledge; upasritya--taking shelter of; mama--My; sadharmyam--same nature; agatah--having attained; sarge api--even in the creation; na--never; upajayante--are born; pralaye--in the annihilation; na--nor; vyathanti--are disturbed; ca--also.


By becoming fixed in this knowledge, one can attain to the transcendental nature like My own. Thus established, one is not born at the time of creation or disturbed at the time of dissolution.


Here is a promise that we will not lose our individual identity if we become Krishna conscience by understanding Bhagavad Gita, whose subject matter is, of course, devotional service. So we chant the holy names of the Lord with great determination, we read Bhagavad Gita As It Is, and we ask for clarification from the spiritual master on how to apply this knowledge in our lives.

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