Thursday, August 11, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 15 Text 11

yatanto yoginas cainam
pasyanty atmany avasthitam
yatanto 'py akrtatmano
nainam pasyanty acetasah

yatantah--endeavoring; yoginah--transcendentalists; ca--also; enam--this; pasyanti--can see; atmani--in the self; avasthitam--situated; yatantah--endeavoring; api--although; akrta-atmanah--those without self-realization; na--do not; enam--this; pasyanti--see; acetasah--having undeveloped minds.


The endeavoring transcendentalists, who are situated in self-realization, can see all this clearly. But those whose minds are not developed and who are not situated in self-realization cannot see what is taking place, though they may try to.


In Srila Prabhupada's purport he states; The word yoginah is significant in this connection. In the present day there are many so-called yogis, and there are many so-called associations of yogis, but they are actually blind in the matter of self-realization. They are simply addicted to some sort of gymnastic exercise and are satisfied if the body is well built and healthy. They have no other information.

What little self-realization I have been able to gather for myself has come from chanting and listening to the names of God. Early in my life it was repeating Christian prayer. Now it is chanting the maha-mantra; Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Both have worked well for me.

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