Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 16 Text 8

asatyam apratistham te
jagad ahur anisvaram
kim anyat kama-haitukam

asatyam--unreal; apratistham--without foundation; te--they; jagat--the cosmic manifestation; ahuh--say; anisvaram--with no controller; aparaspara--without cause; sambhutam--arisen; kim anyat--there is no other cause; kama-haitukam--it is due to lust only.


They say that this world is unreal, with no foundation, no God in control. They say it is produced of sex desire and has no cause other than lust.


One of the more interesting things Srila Prabhupada points out in his purport is; In other words, among the demons ... every one of them has some particular theory of his own. According to them, one interpretation of the scriptures is as good as another, for they do not believe in a standard understanding of the scriptural injunctions.

Over and over I have heard people say, both Christian and non-christian, that the bible can be read and interpreted by themselves, without any education or reference to the authority of the church. I see this most of the time in non-denominational churches. I always wonder if these people could learn trigonometry without the help of a teacher? That should be easier to understand than how God works or His plan for us, shouldn't it?

I am so happy to have an authority like the Catholic church for understanding the bible, or Srila Prabhupada for understanding Bhagavad Gita.

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