Friday, September 23, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 17 Text 4

yajante sattvika devan
yaksa-raksamsi rajasah
pretan bhuta-ganams canye
yajante tamasajanah

yajante--worship; sattvikah--those who are in the mode of goodness; devan--demigods; yaksa-raksamsi--demons; rajasah--those who are in the mode of passion; pretan--spirits of the dead; bhuta-ganan--ghosts; ca--and; anye--others; yajante--worship; tamasah--in the mode of ignorance; janah--people.


Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.


My understanding of this sloka is that when I am worshiping God directly I am no longer being influenced by the modes of material nature. At those times I have no need to ask God for and worship out of love for Him. It is my need that brings me back to the mode of goodness. Catholics do much the same thing when asking the Saints to pray with them in time of need.

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