Nārada Bhakti Sūtra 27
īśvarasyāpy abhimāni-dvesitvād dainya-priyatvāc ca
īśvarasya — of the Supreme Lord; api — also; abhimāni — of those who are proud; dvesitvāt — because of being one who dislikes; dainya — of humility; priyatvāt — because of being fond; ca — and.
Furthermore, the Lord dislikes the proud but is pleased with the humble.
Learning not to be self-relient has been the great lession of my life this last year. Living on the road, sometimes in Christian missions and sometimes under bushes because I had no place to sleep, there were days when I woundered if God had turned His back to me. Yet through it all, when I have turned my face to Krishna and chanted His holy names while humbly waiting for Him to act, He has shown me His mercy and brought me through the trials that I have faced.
In the purport to this sloka it is stated; Nārada's statement here — that the Supreme Lord is pleased with the humble and displeased with the proud — does not mean Krsna is partial. Lord Krsna does not withhold His love from anyone; rather, it is we who withhold our love from Him out of pride and ignorance and thus become unqualified to experience His presence and reciprocate His love. The sun shines for the benefit of all living beings, but creatures like owls hide themselves from its rays.
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