Chapter Fourteen:
Srimad Bhagavatam 1:8:31
gopy adade tvayi krtagasi dama tavad
ya te dasasru-kalilanjana-sambhramaksam
vaktram niniya bhaya-bhavanaya sthitasya
sa mam vimohayati bhir api yad bibheti
gopī — the cowherd lady (Yaśodā); ādade — took up; tvayi — on Your; kṛtāgasi — creating disturbances (by breaking the butter pot); dāma — rope; tāvat — at that time; yā — that which; te — Your; daśā — situation; aśru-kalila — overflooded with tears; añjana — ointment; sambhrama — perturbed; akṣam — eyes; vaktram — face; ninīya — downwards; bhaya-bhāvanayā — by thoughts of fear; sthitasya — of the situation; sā — that; mām — me; vimohayati — bewilders; bhīḥ api — even fear personified; yat — whom; bibheti — is afraid.
My dear Krsna, Yasoda took up a rope to bind You when You committed an offense, and Your perturbed eyes overflooded with tears, which washed the mascara from Your eyes. And You were afraid, though fear personified is afraid of You. This sight is bewildering to me.
Srila Prabhupada writes;
This pastime presents another opulence of Krsna--His opulence of beauty. Krsna has six opulences: all wealth, all strength, all influence, all knowledge, all renunciation, and all beauty.
To give another example of such opulence, Krsna is known as Madanamohana. Madana means Cupid. Cupid enchants everyone, but Krsna is known as Madana-mohana because He is so beautiful that He enchants even Cupid. Nonetheless, Krsna Himself is enchanted by Srimati Radharani, and therefore Srimati Radharani is known as Madana-mohana-mohini, "the enchanter of the enchanter of Cupid." Krsna is the enchanter of Cupid, and Radharani is the enchanter of that enchanter.
Krishna is the best at bewilderment and this is part of His overall beauty. This is a strange idea for to me. I know that anything I can do He can do better, and I have certainly been accused of being bewildering by those who love me. If I can be minutely bewildering then of course God can be the same. Still, I like to think of God as being "straight forward". Yet, how many times have I found myself on my knees asking, "Why Lord? Why me?".
Srila Prabhupada reminds us in the next paragraph that we too can take part in Krishna's bewildering pastimes; These are very exalted spiritual understandings in Krsna consciousness. They are not fictional, imaginary, or concocted. They are facts, and every devotee can have the privilege to understand and indeed take part in Krsna's pastimes if he is actually advanced.
He then closes the chapter with this instruction; The more we love Krsna, the more we shall become perfect. It is not necessary to understand Krsna and how He creates. Krsna explains Himself in Bhagavad-gita, and we should not try to understand much more.
There is a wonderful lecture available on this sloka by His Divine Grace A. C. Baktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, given on April 23, 1973 in Los Angeles, California.
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