Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 14 Text 12

lobhah pravrttir arambhah
karmanam asamah sprha
rajasy etanijayante
vivrddhe bharatarsabha

lobhah--greed; pravrttih--activity; arambhah--endeavor; karmanam--in activities; asamah--uncontrollable; sprha--desire; rajasi--of the mode of passion; etani--all these; jayante--develop; vivrddhe--when there is an excess; bharata-rsabha--O chief of the descendants of Bharata.


O chief of the Bharatas, when there is an increase in the mode of passion the symptoms of great attachment, fruitive activity, intense endeavor, and uncontrollable desire and hankering develop.


As stated earlier, this is where addiction starts and, if these activities are not curtailed, they lead one into the mode of ignorance. However, if one in this mode develop a taste for knowledge of the Lord, he will become passionate about Krishna, and thus attain to the mode of goodness.

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