Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 1 Text 25

sarvesam ca mahi-ksitam
uvaca partha pasyaitan
samavetan kurun iti

bhisma--Grandfather Bhisma; drona--the teacher Drona; pramukhatah--in front of; sarvesam--all; ca--also; mahi-ksitam--chiefs of the world; uvaca--said; partha--O son of Prtha; pasya--just behold; etan--all of them; samavetan--assembled; kurun--the members of the Kuru dynasty; iti--thus.


In the presence of Bhisma, Drona and all the other chieftains of the world, the Lord said, Just behold, Partha, all the Kurus assembled here.


In his lecture on this sloka (7-20-1973, London) Srila Prabhupada discusses how Sañjaya could see what was happening on the battlefield. I mentioned this to my Catholic friend and he pointed out a verse in the bible which reads, "... 'The Israelite prophet Elisha can tell the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.'" (2 Kings 6:12, N.A.B.)

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