Friday, May 13, 2011


Bhagavad Gita As It Is -
Chapter 12 Text 18-19

samah satrau ca mitre ca
tatha manapamanayoh
samah sanga-vivarjitah

tulya-ninda-stutir mauni
santusto yena kenacit
aniketah sthira-matir
bhaktiman me priyo narah

samah--equal; satrau--to an enemy; ca--also; mitre--to a friend; ca--also; tatha--so; mana--in honor; apamanayoh--and dishonor; sita--in cold; usna--heat; sukha--happiness; duhkhes. u--and distress; samah--equipoised; sanga-vivarjitah--free from all association; tulya--equal; ninda--in defamation; stutih--and repute; mauni--silent; santustah--satisfied; yena kenacit--with anything; aniketah--having no residence; sthira--fixed; matih--determination; bhakti-man--engaged in devotion; me--to Me; priyah--dear; narah--a man.


One who is equal to friends and enemies, who is equipoised in honor and dishonor, heat and cold, happiness and distress, fame and infamy, who is always free from contaminating association, always silent and satisfied with anything, who doesn't care for any residence, who is fixed in knowledge and who is engaged in devotional service--such a person is very dear to Me.


In his purport Srila Prabhupada mentions; (The devotee does not) care for any residential facility. He may sometimes live underneath a tree, and he may sometimes live in a very palatial building; he is attracted to neither.

Twice, while on the road, I have slept outdoors unprepared. This sloka states that I should be "equal" in both "heat and cold". On those cold nights I tried to practice this, reminding myself of the first lesson; that I am not this body.

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